Oldie but Goodie

Today has been a very busy and tiring day for me. I went shopping for some new maternity clothes... I know, I know shopping shouldn't be that tiring, but it is when you have to drive an hour and a half (one way) down island to get to the good shops, and then keep standing and twisting and bending for an hour of trying on clothes, all while being six and a half months pregnant. Oh and don't forget chasing after a two and a half year old as well! At least I got a bunch of stuff that will last me through the rest of this pregnancy. :)

On the drive home, there were some amazing photo ops of snow covered mountains with the sunset behind them - but silly me, I forgot my camera! So I guess for today I'll share a shot I took last spring at Deer Lake Park in Burnaby. I recently rediscovered this shot when searching for a macro photo for a Facebook photo contest - I had forgotten how much I love it! So here it is, my Dragonfly:

(don't forget, you can always click to view the larger size)


Cristal said...
6 January 2008 at 22:31

Wow- gorgeous!

Lisa B said...
7 January 2008 at 04:03

oooh, that's beautiful.

Heather said...
7 January 2008 at 06:48

Great capture!!

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