Go Away, Snow!

It snowed again today. What is with this weather?? We have never gotten this much snow before! C enjoys playing in it, but with me being 7 months pregnant, it isn't as easy to stoop down to reach the snow to play in it with her! I tried to help her with a snowman - ack, I couldn't do more than half of the base before my back and my belly were hurting too much for me to continue. No tobogganing either - C is too young to go on her own and I can't go on a toboggan because of the pregnancy. :(

So today, to make me feel better and remember what is to come, here is a shot I took last spring.

Busy Bee


Cristal said...
30 January 2008 at 03:28

Your nature shots always blow me away!

Jaime said...
30 January 2008 at 12:01

Wow. Amazing color on these. I'm such a huge fan of your work!!

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