I'm ba-ack!

So after about a week off, I'm back to blogging. If I don't blog each day (or at least every second day) make sure you give me a kick when you see me. :)
Here are some shots of C playing at my mother-n-law's house. Nothing fancy, but at least I have new pics to show. :)

A nice big bite out of a play burger

Here she is wearing a doctor's smock, riding a horse, with a lion face on... and I think there might be a green tutu under the smock! lol

Enough With the Pictures Already!


Cristal said...
10 February 2008 at 23:00

These are fantastic! She just exudes personality! The second picture will be a perfect reminder of what a two-year old is like~

Thanks for your help, by the way!

Lisa B said...
22 February 2008 at 09:27

Oh goodness, I LOVE her. C would so fit in at our house. That light in the first one is beautiful.

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